Camp Policy

[vc_row][vc_column][special_text animation=”fadeInDown” tagname=”div” font_weight=”300″ font=”google_web_font_Open Sans” align=”center” color=”#360000″ font_size=”32″ margin_top=”20″]CAMP POLICIES & PROCEDURES

[/special_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][text]Horses cannot be tied up or corralled for more than 6 hours at one time, day or night. No exceptions to this rule, penalty will be immediate dismissal. If you absolutely have to hold for more than 6 hours you will have to let them feed every 6 hours (you may have to get up in the middle of the night).

Do not abuse horses, and be extremely careful with horse discipline when clients are around, they don’t understand most times and this is something most see as a very negative part of their experience. If you have a horse that requires a bunch of work, save it for times or a day when you have time and no hunter will be watching. The preceding statement is for those who know what they are doing, if you don’t please leave horse for those who do? Again beating or whipping a horse because you’re in a bad mood will not be tolerated.

Keep the camps clean, anything that will attract bears should be burnt in a pit ASAP.

Only salt capes etc. In designated area, usually in the horse lick. Any salt spilled anywhere else must be cleaned up immediately.

If myself or Villars are flying, be sure horses are corralled or a “long ways off” the strip. Always check your camp strip for horses if you know I’m coming, even if you hear me flying in your vicinity, check strip for horses. This is a job that needs to be done in a hurry!! This job pertains to every employee in every camp at all times. Don’t make me have to wait to land my plane “or else”. Double your efforts and speed if weather is bad or it’s getting dark.

When returning from a spike camp, put everything away as soon as possible. Clean pack boxes out, clean your own dishes, and look after your own garbage! When temporarily closing a camp (tent frame or cabin) put everything away in cache, wipe kitchen down with bleach and water.
”LEAVE CAMP CLEAN!” and bear proof as much as possible. Put out mouse seed in cabin camps. Be sure propane and radios are turned off.
If you see any garbage anywhere, stop and pick it up.

No verbal abuse of fellow employee’s, try not to swear, “No Foul Language allowed in cook house” NO SMOKING IN COOK HOUSE.

Help new employees as much as you can, explain things in detail. It is good to have them repeat instructions back to you, written instructions are even better. Remember they can’t read your mind and they have to absorb a lot of new information in their first year. The more time you spend with them in the beginning, the faster they will become a useful hand. Be patient and be sure to acknowledge a job well done with a little praise. Explain why we do things the way we do, this way new employees will have a better understanding of what should be done and why.

Every position here requires support, guides, cooks and wranglers, so help one another all you can eg dishes, wood box, cleaning of the guide shack. The more you do for others the more they will do for you. If someone is not doing their share please let me know and I’ll send that person packing. Being helpful as possible makes for excellent team work which in return will make a happy camp and a positive experience for clients and crew.[/text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][special_text tagname=”h3″ align=”center” color=”#360000″ font_size=”35″ margin_top=”20″]Hunting British Columbia with Big Nine Outfitters

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[/special_text][special_text tagname=”div” align=”center” font_size=”23″ margin_top=”23″ margin_bottom=”10″]Call Chad Miller, Outfitter

[/special_text][special_text tagname=”div” align=”center” font_size=”23″ margin_top=”18px”]Cell: (250) 570-9712
[/special_text][special_text tagname=”div” align=”center” font_size=”20″ margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”20″]Mid July to late October Call: (250) 277-9614

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