Base Camp

The largest of the Big Nine base camps is Horseshoe Mountain Lodge.

Hunters can access nine spike or fly camps within 300 miles surrounding the lodge (see listed below). The lodge is an eight bedroom facility with two baths, running water, electricity, wireless internet service, sauna and hot tub. It also has a satellite phone and a 3000′ air strip. We have seven more fully equipped base camps throughout our territory.

Like the lodge, each is surrounded by a hunting area of approximately 300 miles and services numerous spike or fly camps. Our base camps are each equipped with a cookhouse, hunters’ cabins, guides’ cabin, walk-in coolers, shower and wash house as well as smaller support buildings. The base camps are serviced by air, have radio communication and a minimum 2000′ air strip.

Clients fly to their respective camps direct from Fort Nelson and then have the choice of packing out to one or more of our remote spike camps or basing at one of our base camps. All of our pack and saddle horses are quiet natured and in excellent condition. They are true mountain horses as they live in the mountains year round. Our packing and camping equipment is top of the line and well maintained. There is plenty of good, wholesome food to satisfy any size appetite!

Blue Lake Lodge

Our beautiful lodge at Blue Lake has a fabulous view of the lake and surrounding mountains. Two large guest rooms in the lodge accommodate families of up to four. Three log cabins accommodate two guests each with room to spare. Meals are served in the lodge. The cabins are solar lit with separate cabins for showers, toilet and laundry. Blue Lake Camp is also equipped with a walk-in meat cooler.

Blue Lake is a fabulous area for canoeing, boating, fishing and photographing wildlife and scenery. The lake has abundant Arctic Grayling and Dolly Varden. Visitors can also fish along the wild, scenic Kluechesie Creek, observe eagles fishing the creek and enjoy a wide variety of Canadian waterfowl. Moose are especially plentiful in and around Blue Lake. While canoeing or fishing, it is possible to see as many as twenty or more moose in the lake at one time. In the evenings, watch large numbers of elk and deer as they visit the salt lick near the cabins.

Elbow Camp

Located on the banks of the lower Muskwa River is Elbow Camp, the base camp for all Big Nine Foothills Hunts. Elbow Camp is a cabin camp in a large meadow, surrounded by giant spruce. Support buildings include the cookhouse, hunters’ cabins, crew’s bunkhouse, shower and wash house, and toilets. Elbow Camp is also equipped with a walk-in meat cooler.

This area is especially strong in moose, yielding success rates of 80% or better on large mature bulls. Elk and Black Bear are also plentiful with success rates of over 60%. All foothills hunts are done on ATVs (4 x 4 bikes and 8 wheel drive Argos).