Wounded Game

Big Nine Outfitters Policy

If an animal has been wounded it is your guide’s responsibility to determine if the animal has been hit hard enough to die or not. If your guide feels it was no more than a flesh wound and he feels the animals’ life is not in jeopardy, you will be able to continue your hunt for that species. On the other hand if your guide feels that the animal will die due to its wound, the hunt for that species will be called and you would not be able to hunt another of that species. You would be expected to spend at least one day searching for the wounded animal and after that it would be your choice to either continue your search until the end of your hunt or to go off and hunt a different species assuming you have a tag for it.

We are committed to the retrieval of any and all wounded game. Additional support staff will assist you and your guide in the search. Myself or one of my employees will assist with an aircraft both during your search and in the event your search was unsuccessful, afterwards. Our search does not end when you leave; we make a point to return to the location on later hunts and do continue our air search looking for ravens or predators working the kill site.

Everyone looses in the case of a critically wounded animal, especially the animal, so be sure of your shot. Try not to take poor percentage shots, do not shoot if the animal is to far away or in a position a second shot is not probable.